Well Well, Linda Really Does Needs a Job!

Well well, it’s here! That cold day in hell…you know the one they always talk about? Just lost my job at MillerWhite. Been there 9 years. Got the word about a half hour ago from one of the owners. Don’t want to say more than they are a good company and I wish them the best.
I have only been unemployed a few times in the last 31 years. I started this website last year when they had to cut my hours.  I looked for work everyday and with all my experience and work history AND being quite good at my job…the best I could do was a PT job at Dollar General.
This website, (which I built BTW…) has demos and some samples of my work. Of course I realize that AV Production is a little limited, but I can do lots of stuff! Office admin, any kind of radio station work, traffic, billing, web design, pet sitting…washing your car LOL…anyways, just when you think all is well, something comes up and bites your booby!
Keep an “eye out for me” as the old pirate’s joke goes and say a prayer.